Working With Time Series Data
We’ll start with some tips on how to deal with time series data, and then we’ll finish up with a time series presentation. You’ll want to know the following:
Look at your time series data, preferably with one of your personal computers. While you can use a spreadsheet, a program that will “scale” your time series data down to a more usable format is a good idea. A program like do my stata homework will help you keep your workable data in manageable piles.
Using a standard format to label your time series data will make it easier to see and interpret. There are a few standard formats that are used. In many industries, your data will be kept in a computerized workbook format (this is common for managers), in spreadsheets or proprietary formats (more common in scientists, medical workers).
The next step is to export your data to another program. What you’ll do is go into the file location and import the data into a new workbook, so the columns and rows of the data will appear correctly. You’ll also want to delete anything that isn’t needed to display.
Now, copy the necessary data from the header to the text area that you will need to organize and present the data. Then go into your workbook and organize the data to make it easily read.
What you want to do is make sure that the headers and footers are formatted properly so you can easily read the data. Don’t worry about how many rows and columns they are.
Before the data is presented, it should be analyzed to determine what it means, either in a time-series perspective or from an aggregate perspective, for each of the segments you will display. After you have the appropriate data in the right form, it is now time to perform the analysis, with a set of calculations that will tell you what the data means and why you’re getting it.
Now that you have the data organized in a way that makes it easy to interpret, the next step is to create a time series presentation that will present the results of the analysis. Again, this is where a personal computer comes in handy.
The personal computer will help you do the analysis you want, to present the time series presentation in the format you want. If you’re doing a time series analysis on a microchip for a microchip company, you will want a presentation that includes the analysis as part of the problem statement, or as part of the valuation statement.
The analysis has to be done to know the analysis, otherwise you just have a guess. You can get rid of that guess by knowing the information that you need to know.
In a microchip example, you might decide to do a higher-level analysis that will show how many defects there are in the microchips, and other details about the manufacturing process. By analyzing the high-level analysis, you will be able to see the pattern of defect rates in the production process.
If you choose to do the microchip example again, and run the time-series analysis on the profit margin of the company’s salespeople, the top of the line feature on the clothes will look different than the bottom of the line feature. You will be able to clearly see which salespeople have a high profit margin, because the manufacturing process has a high profit margin.